The Mariner's Hymn

Dublin Core


The Mariner's Hymn


Launch thy bark, mariner!

Christian, God speed thee!

Let loose the rudder bands -

Good angels lead thee!

Set thy sails warily,

Tempests will come:

Steer thy course steadily,

Christian, steer home!

Look to the weather bow,

Breakers are round thee;

Let fall the plummet, now

Shallows may ground thee.

Reef in the foresail there!

Hold the Helm fast!

So - let the vessel wear -

There swept the blast.

"What of the night, watchman?

What of the night?"

"Cloudy - all quiet -

No land yet - all's right!"

Be wakeful, be vigilant -

Danger may be

At an hour when all seemeth

Securest to thee.

How! gains the leak so fast?

Clear out the hold -

Hoist up the merchandise,

Heave out the gold;

There - let the ingots go -

Now the ship rights;

Hurra! the harbor's near -

Lo, the red lights!

Slacken not sail yet

At inlet or island;

Straight for the beacon steer,

Straight for the highland;

Crowd all thy canvass on,

Cut through the foam -

Christian! cast anchor now -

Heaven is thy home!


Mrs. Sigourney (Lydia Huntley Sigourney)


New Series 1:25, p. 4




Mrs. Sigourney (Lydia Huntley Sigourney), “The Mariner's Hymn,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 8, 2024,


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