Fading, Still Fading

Dublin Core


Fading, Still Fading


Fading, still fading, is written on all;
Over life's pathway still lingers the pall.

Joy for the youthful

Fill high the brim -

Ere it be tasted

Pale death enters in.

Bright flowers unfold

At the dawning of light;

What are those flowers

At the coming of night?

Fading, still fading, is written on all;
Over life's pathway still lingers the pall.

Beauty, like sunlight,

Gleams out for a breath,

Glittering with gems

For the bridal of death,

The warrior in mail

To the battle speeds on;

Death is the victor!

The battle is won.

Fading, still fading, is written on all;
Over life's pathway still lingers the pall.

Fame sound thy trumpet,

And fill the broad skies;

Fame! 'tis a meteor,

The echo replies.

Grave it in marble,

The deeds of the past;

'Tis writing in dust,

Swept away by the blast.

Fading, still fading, is written on all;
Over life's pathway still lingers the pall.




New Series 1:41, p. 4




Unattributed, “Fading, Still Fading,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/385.


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