Lines on Isaiah XXI. 10.

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Lines on Isaiah XXI. 10.


Child of the everlasting God!

Heir of a kingly throne!

Rough was the path thy Saviour trod,

And rough must be thine own,

Yet hath the "Hope of Israel" said,

"Where'er that path may lead,

I thy salvation and thy head,

Will help thee in thy need."

"The fires themselves shall have no power,

Thine onward march to stay,

Mine own right hand shall in that hour

Provide thy feet a way.

I have redeemed thee by my blood,

My strength shall with thee go:

Where are the waters of the flood

Which then can overflow?

Through tribulation, it is decreed,

That we must reach reward,

Else would the servant be indeed,

A greater than his lord.

He who endured the cross and shame,

Thence triumphed o'er the grave,

It was by suffering He became,

Mighty himself to save.

Then, ever lift to Him thine eyes,

When foes around thee press,

He to that country leads, which lies

Far o'er the wilderness.

And though thy prospect of that land,

Through storm and cloud be dim,

For strength and guidance at his hand,

Trust fearlessly on Him.


E.F. H----


New Series 2:10, p. 44




From the London Christian Miscellany


E.F. H----, “Lines on Isaiah XXI. 10.,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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