A Wife to Her Husband in Adversity

Dublin Core


A Wife to Her Husband in Adversity


Thou, thou wert ever only dear

In joy or sorrow, peace or danger!

Then start not, love! - 'tis but a tear -

Then start not at a trembling stranger!

I weep not for the wealth we had,

Or fashion's idle splendor fleeted;

Oh! no - 'tis that thou lookest sad -

'Tis for thy sighs so oft repeated!

Thou dear one, smile as once thou smiled,

If for me thy tears are flowing;

Some little cot - lone, simple, wild,

Where nameless flowers around are growing,

Shall shine a palace proud to me,

If thou art there to point my duty.

Delightful scene! while, blessed by thee,

Each morn shall breathe of peace and beauty.

Though cheeks that glowed and hearts that vowed

Are gone, when fortune fails to cheer thee -

Yet, love! far happier from the crowd,

One heart unchanged is beating near thee!

Though all those sunshine friends are flown,

Who thronged our blooming summer bower,

Oh, say, thou art not all alone -

I'll share - I'll cheer this adverse hour!

Nay, sigh not thus - thou dost not see

Tears wrap my cheek in pensive sadness,

'Tis ecstacy to mourn with thee,

Yet bid thee hope for days of gladness!

Wealth is not bliss. Look brightly round,

Recall past scenes of peace and pleasure,

When on Passaic's bank is, we found

Love, simple, pure - life's truest treasure!

How oft at twilight's holy calm,

Beside that dear secluded river,

We drank the valley breezes balm!

Was there one roving wish? Oh! never.

Then was the maple, trembling green,

With some lone fountain mildly sporting,

Sweet emblem of the happy scene -

Serenly bright and ever courting!

And love - true love - doth yet remain,

With thy fond wife's unaltered bosom:

Nor wilt thou feel regret or pain,

While Heaven leaves one fadeless blossom!

Oh! thou art lovelier far to me -

Far dearer in this hour of sorrow!

For I can think of only thee -

Wish for thy sake a brighter morrow!




New Series 2:21, p. 84




From the Newark Sentinel


Unattributed, “A Wife to Her Husband in Adversity,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/429.


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