We Come! Still We Come!

Dublin Core


We Come! Still We Come!


We come o'er mountain top,

And inland sea!
We come from whence rises up
Songs of the free!
We come up from Montauk,
Where old Ocean's wave
Swells proudly, dies gently on
Shore; 'tis her grave.
We come up from Flushing,
Will'sburg* and Newtown,
From Brooklyn, Jamaica,**
('Tis she wears the crown.)
We come from the empire
City in might,
Clad in mail-suit of truth,
Guarded well for the fight.
Each city, town, hamlet,
On Hudson's proud wave,
Shall send forth her myriads
Of hearts, true and brave.
On the west bank, from Kingston,
Newburgh and Catskill,
Is heard on each zephyr,
We come! yes, we will
Nor slumbers the east, for
From hill-top and vale,
Is heard 'bove the noise of
The mumuring gale,
Onward! right onward! for
Troy! for 'tis there
Shall throng injured freemen,
Their rights to declare.
We come! shouteth Orange,
Delaware, and old Broome;
Tioga is up! hark those sounds!
'Tis Chemung!
We come! still we come! shouts
Steuben in her might;
Alleghany, Cattaraugus, are
Up for the fight.
We come! is now heard, from
The far west once more!
'Tis the voice of Chautauque,
From her Erie-girt shore,
To those who dwell in the
Mohawk's fair vale,
The voice is familiar,
'Tis heard on each gale.
From northward, from southward,
From east, and from west,
'Tis heard 'neath her groves,
Where her pearl dew-drops rest;
'Tis heard on each margin
Of riv'let and stream;
'Tis heard at e'en tide
And morning's flesh gleam;
'Tis heard in the north,
'Bove Ontario's foam;
Niagara echoes the shout,
Still we come!
O'er Greene, Monroe, Wayne,
The echo now breaks.
Hark! list to the west!
Now 'tis heard on her lakes.
Oneida, Cayuga; and
Seneca, all
Join in the shout!
(For 'tis liberty's call.)
The hills, rocks and mountains
Re-echo the cry;
It is heard on the ocean,
It now sweeps the sky,
Thus myriads of hearts,
Now blended in one,
Give forth the glad tidings,

* Williamsburg.
** The first County Convention assembled there.




New Series 2:25, p. 98




The following lines were written, and are now published, as a reply to "The Spirit Voice, or Call to the Disfranchised, by C.L.R." which appeared in our paper of the 7th. The friends of impartial freedom are appealed to in every line of both communications, to attend the Troy Convention, and make large exertions to free the State from the last link of oppression's chain.


R.H., “We Come! Still We Come!,” Periodical Poets, accessed October 18, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/435.


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