Masonic Procession

Dublin Core


Masonic Procession


I saw a band of brothers move,

With slow and solemn tread;

Their hearts were join'd by ties of love,

In charity were wed.

Sad types of light's illumin'd ray

Shone on the path they trod;

And in the midst, wide open lay

The gospel of our God.

I asked a man of four score years,

Why after them he ran;

He said, - and melted into tears -

"They fed the poor old man."

He said, "I once was sick and sad,

My limbs were racked with pain.

They came - they comforted - and clad -

The old man rose again."

I asked a weeping widow, why

She followed those before;

She said - and wip'd her weeping eye:

"They came, into my door:

They came, when all the world beside,

Had turn'd from me and fled.

They came my wants and woes to hide,

They gave my children bread.

And such I said, is Masonry;

Virtue and love are twins;

And that bless'd grace of charity,

Hides multitudes of sins;

Freemasonry, like woman's love,

Is taught by private rules:

So deep that should it public prove,

It would be sport for fools.


Milford Bard


1:14, p. 56




From the Masonic Mirror



Milford Bard, “Masonic Procession,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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