What Is Time?

Dublin Core


What Is Time?


What is time? A passing shadow,

Phantom-like on mystic wings;

Fleeting through a world of wonder,

O'er our life a veil it flings.

Deep, too deep for minds to fathom.

Boundary line 'twixt life and death:

Here to-day and gone to-morrow,

Feeding on our mortal breath.

Could the mystery be unravelled,

If we thought it o'er and o'er,

Yet no nearer to decision,

Than we were in days before

Time's a problem. Men of wisdom

Sail upon its tide in doubt,

As the ship of life glides gently

On Time's bosom all afloat.

Love and hate and joy and sorrow,

All pass on in mystic awe,

As the wand of ages points us

To that far unfading shore.

As we stand in silence gazing,

Shadows pass in endless train,

'Tis the host that Time has gathered;

On we travel - not in vain.

Soon beyond life's restless fever,

We shall rest from toll and care

Sorrows past are gone forever,

Only joy shall enter there.

In a land of changes never,

[?] celestial clime,

No more need to ask the questions, -

What is Time? O! What is Time?


F.A. Parker, Hamilton, Bermuda


3:50, p. 2





F.A. Parker, Hamilton, Bermuda, “What Is Time?,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 7, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/476.


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