Only a Bunch of Lilacs

Dublin Core


Only a Bunch of Lilacs


Only a bunch of lilacs,

Laid on a coffin lid;

'Neath which the face of a loved one

From tearful eyes lies hid.

Only a loving tribute

From hands by toil made hard.

Blossoms from Nature's garden

Or cotter's humble yard.

Only a bunch of lilacs,

The simple tale they tell,

By the choicest hothouse blossoms

Might not be told so well.

For the hands that culled these flowers,

The feet that brought them here,

The heart that prompted the action.

And the eye that dropped the tear,

Which glistens amid the petals,

Like a gem of purest ray,

Have been faithful to the sleeper

For many a weary day.

For the love of the poor is measured

In kindly acts and tears,

Of sympathy or gladness,

For another's joys or fears.

Oh, sweet and tender blossom,

Thou child of Nature's Spring,

Oh, may thy spreading perfume

A wealth of comfort bring

To those in sore affliction;

Who, visited by Death,

Seek peace and consolation

In thy sweet perfumed breath.


Lewis Howard Latimer


4:34, p. 2





Lewis Howard Latimer, “Only a Bunch of Lilacs,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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