Evening Prayer

Dublin Core


Evening Prayer


I come to Thee to-night

In my lone closet, where no eye can see,
And dare to crave and interview with Thee,

Father of love and light!

Softly the moonbeams shine

On the still branches of the shadowy trees,
While all sweet sounds of evening on the breeze

Steal through the slumbering vine.

Thou gav'st the calm repose

That rests on all—the air, the birds, the flower,
The human spirit in its weary hour

Now at the bright day's close.

'Tis Nature's time for prayer;

The silent praises of the glorious sky,
And the earth's orisons, profound and high,

To Heaven their breathings bear.

With them my soul would bend

In humble reverence at Thy holy throne,
Trusting the merits of Thy Son alone

Thy spectre to extend.

If I this day have striven

With Thy blessed Spirit, or have bowed the knee
To aught of earth in weak idolatry,

I pray to be forgiven.

If in my heart has been

An unforgiving thought, or word, or look,
Though deep the malice that I scarce could brook,

Wash me from the dark sin.

If I have turned away

From grief or suffering which I might relieve,
Careless the cup of water e'en to give,

Forgive me, Lord, I pray.

And teach me how to feel

My sinful wanderings with a deeper smart,
And more of mercy and of grace impart,

My sinfulness to heal.

Father, my soul would be

[?] as the drops of eve's unsullied dew;
And as the stars, whose nightly course is true,

So would I be to Thee.

Not for myself alone

Would I these blessing of Thy love implore,
But for each penitent the wide world o'er,

Whom Thou hast called Thine own.

And for my heart's best friends,

Whose steadfast kindness o'er my painful years
Has watched, to soothe afflictions, griefs, and tears,

My warmest prayers ascend.

Should o'er their path decline

The light of gladness, or of hope, or health,
Be Thou their solace, and their joy, and wealth,

As they have long been mine.

And now, O! Father, take

The heart I cast with humble faith on Thee,
And cleanse its depths from each impurity,

For my Redeemer's sake.




1:8, p. 4




Unattributed, “Evening Prayer,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/571.


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