The Appeal

Dublin Core


The Appeal


Oh, mother! cease to break my heart!

I vow it now, I vowed it then,

The kiss he left upon my lips

His lips shall one day taste again!

Ah, well I mind the summer's eve!

A low scud swept the waning moon;

And o'er the ripened clover-lea

Floated the balmy breath of June.

Among the dreamy wood-land glooms,

Alone we breathed our parting sighs;

Only the silent, watching stars

Looked on us with their holy eyes.

No golden circlet bound our love—

No vow at sacred altar given;

Yet, in that hour our married souls

Were registered as one in Heaven.

I will not live a guilty thing,

Pillowed upon another's breast,

While every thought I send to him

Shall scare God's angel from my rest.

Perjured—before a new-born soul!

(If such in holy trust were given)

Mother. I need a clean, white land,

To lead a little child to heaven.

Oh, turn away your cruel eyes!

The gold you sell me for is dim;

What need I bargain for the world?

I have my full round world in Him.

Then, mother, cease to break my heart;

I vow it now, I vowed it then,

The kiss he left upon my lips

His lips shall one day take again.




1:12, p. 1




Unattributed, “The Appeal,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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