I'm Growing Old

Dublin Core


I'm Growing Old


My days pass pleasantly away;

My nights are blest with sweepest sleep;

I fees no symptom's of decay;

I have no cause to mourn nor weep;

My foes are impotent and shy;

My friends are neither false nor cold,

And yet, of late, I often sigh—

I'm growing old!

My growing talk of olden times,

My growing thirst for early news,

My growing apathy to rhymes,

My growing love of easy shoes,

My growing hate of crowds and noise,

My growing fear of taking cold,

All whisper in the plainest voice,

I'm growing old!

I'm growing fonder of my staff;

I'm growing dimmer in the eyes;

I'm growing fainter in my laughs;

I'm growing deeper in my sighs

I'm growing careless of my dress;

I'm growing frugal of my gold;

I'm growing wise; I'm growing—yes—

I'm growing old!

I see it in my changing taste;

I see it in my changing hair;

I see it in my growing waist;

I see it in my growing heir;

A thousand signs proclaim the truth

As plain as truth was ever told,

That even in my vaunted youth,

I'm growing old!

Ah me!—my very laurels breathe

The tale to my reluctant ears,

And every boon the Hours bequeath

But makes me debtor to the Years!

E'en Flattery's honeyed words declare

The secret she would fain withhold,

And tells me in "How young you are!"

I'm growing old!

Thanks for the years, whose rapid flight

My somber muse too sadly sings;

Thanks for the gleams of golden light

That tint the darkness of their wings;

The light that beams from out the sky,

Those heavenly mansions to unfold

Where all are blest, and none may sigh,

"I'm growing old!"


J.G. Saxe


1:19, p. 4




J.G. Saxe, “I'm Growing Old,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/604.


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