Ode to John Brown

Dublin Core


Ode to John Brown


We do not mourn thee, bravest of the brave;

Thou findest now that peace on earth denied thee,

Thou dwellest now in radiant light and glory;

A monument to Freedom is thy grave.

Thou hast fulfilled the mission thee assigned,

That mission of self-sacrifice—devotion.

Thy life's dream turned to love's unbounded ocean;

But through its track to pour are seas destined.

Thou didst not walk in the destroyer's course;

Thy efforts were preserving—healing—mending—

Breaking the barrier that others tried—thou—bending;

And only blessings forth thy action pours.

Electric is the thrill radiated by thy death;

Fresh energy it in our hearts infuses—

Death in our eyes its sombre terrors loses:

We're ready for the conflict at the shortest breath.

Thy death's our epoch of deliverance;

The avalanche, once set in motion, never ceases—

A hurricane will issue from the little breezes,

To sweep away America's great offences.




1:22, p. 1




Unattributed, “Ode to John Brown,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/611.


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