A Peal from the Bells

Dublin Core


A Peal from the Bells


Ding! dong! there is no hell! no hell!

Said the Universalist bell.

Look up to heaven this holy day,
Attend this church, and learn the way.
There are no fires or fiends to blight
The hope within the heart we light.
Ding! dong! there is no hell! no hell!

Said the Universalist bell.

Ding dong! do well! do well! do well!

Said the Unitarian bell.

Come here and cast aside your load,
And work your way along the road,
With faith in God and faith in man,
And hope in Christ, where hope began
Ding! dong! do well! do well! do well!

Said the Unitarian bell.

Ding! dong! swell, swell, ye waters swell!

Exclaimed in peals the Baptist bll.

Though faith in Christ alone can save, 
Man must be plunged beneath the wave,
To show the world's unfaltering faith
In what the sacred Scripture saith.
Ding! dong! swell, swell, ye waters swell!

Exclaimed in peals the Baptist bell.

Ding! dong! farewell, base world, farewell!

Cried out the Presbyterian bell.

Life is a boon to mortals given,
And since there's nothing true but Heaven,
Do not provoke the avenging rod—
Come here, and learn the way of God.
Ding! dong! farewell, base world, farewell!

Cried out the Presbyterian bell.

Ding! dong! the truth we tell, we tell!

Shouted the Methodistic bell.

Our Lord hath made salvation free—
None need be lost, on land or sea;
Repent, believe, have hope, and then
Be saved, and praise the Lord—Amen!
Ding! dong! the truth we tell, we tell!

Shouted the Methodist bell.

Ding! dong! in love excel, excel!

Chimed out the Episcopalian bell.

This is the church not built on sands,
Emblem of one not built with hands;
Its forms, and rules, and rites revere,
And worship here—yes, worship here.
Ding! dong! in love excel, excel!

Chimed out the Episcopalian bell.

Ding! dong! ye saints in heaven that dwell!

Pealed forth the Roman Catholic bell.

Lean o'er the battlements of bliss,
And deign to bless a world like this!
Here is the wafer, here is the wine,
Let mortals kneel befor the shrine.
Ding! dong! your mother loves you well!

Exclaimed the Roman Catholic bell.


George W. Bungay


1:33, p. 4




George W. Bungay, “A Peal from the Bells,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/644.


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