In Memoriam,On the late Right Rev. Richard Allen, first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church in the United States of America

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In Memoriam, On the late Right Rev. Richard Allen, first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church in the United States of America


Peace to thee, father, thou hast gone

To that blest shore—

Thy last great battle's fought and won,

Thy conflict's o'er.

As dew drops from the flowers above

On earth distill'd,

Thy melting words, like floods of love,

Our hearts have fill'd,

The bondman in thee found relief;

And the distressed

Of every kind, though torn by grief,

Pronounce thee bless'd!

Thou labor'dst hard to teach thy race

A Savior's love,

And point them to that better place,

In heaven above.

A murky light thou did'st not give,

But brilliant clear!

Thy deeds of piety shall live

Many a year.

Not life a transient meteor, thou—

But a bright star!

Whose glorious light is seen even now,

Both near and far.

Loud the angels sand God's praise

In chorus high,

When thou had'st crowned thy toilsome days

In victory!

Waiting around thy couch they stood,

To guide thee o'er

The surging waves of death's cold flood,

To Canaan's shore,

Then rest thee, father, till that day

When saints shall rise,

Shall burst the bonds of mortal clay,

To mount the skies.

Thou shall then rewarded by, and

Thy robe, so bright,

Outshine the sun throughout that land

Of love and light.

Then God will give to thee a crown

Bright as the sun,

And say, "Upon my throne sit down,

Thou faithful one."

And in that crown shall many stars

To thee be given—

When all thy tears—thy wounds and scars

Be healed in heaven.


B. Clark, Sen.


1:34, p. 4




B. Clark, Sen., “In Memoriam,On the late Right Rev. Richard Allen, first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church in the United States of America,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 8, 2024,


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