The Parted Friends

Dublin Core


The Parted Friends


Once in life's young, cheerful day,

Two youthful hearts were joined together—

One in sorrow, one in play,

So truly did they love each other.

Thus to maidenhood they grew:

Affection's chain so closely bound them

That 'twas useless, all well knew,

To seek to break the links that joined them.

When far away from kindred friends,

Where both were little loved or known,

'Twas thought they still would seek the ends,

To merit love from those at home;

That, bound in love, as many thought,

They still would be as e'er before—

Would cling together as they sought

The wealth of knowledge vast to store.

Yet, alas! a change came o'er them:

One more fond of strangers grew—

Cast aside her friend's affection,

And left her, desolate, though true.

Forsaken thus, time passed away,

While oft she thought of fate's dread store,

Yet ever hoping for the day

Her friend would love her as before.

But alas, in vain she hoped,

Till met again in childhood's home,

When the dear absent one she loved,

Returned and claimed her as her own.

Glad once more to live in truth,

Freely she forgave the past,

Hoping, as in early youth,

Frank's affection long would last.

Closer than in years gone by

To each other did they cling;

Time to them on wings did fly,

So bright and happy did life seem.

Yet again a change came o'er them:

Tales were told the friends to part—

Doubts raised up to highest mountain,

Till heart at last was forced from heart.

Both then felt the pang so bitter,

Of affections wasted wealth—

Thought the ills of life far greater

Than the agonies of death.

Still they meet, but meet as strangers—

Hold they converse sweet no more—

Only speak of common matters,

For their hearts are sick and sore:

Sick, for still they love each other—

Love from wounds their parting made;

Yet words have passed, and from another,

Whose life but makes their friendship dead.

"Had they never loved so kindly,
Had they never loved so blindly—
Never met, nor never parted,
They had ne'er been broken hearted."




1:38, p. 1




Louise, “The Parted Friends,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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