"Be Still and Know That I Am God"

Dublin Core


"Be Still and Know That I Am God"


Why do the great, the good, the just,
Expire in pain, and sleep in dust,

And virtue sink in gloom?

Why does the sage, the patriot why,
Like the vile wretch, in anguish die,

And find as dark a tomb?

And why most merit fall at last,
Before the baleful, withering blast,

Which malice hisses round?

And why pale envy's shrivelled form,
Rejoicing in the adverse storm,

Which thunders greatness down?

Why, tell me, Reason! does the God,
Who rules all nature with a rod—

And in perfection rules—

With darkness veil the face of day,
Ride the mad storm, and thundring say

Let wild destruction roll?

Let forked lightning flash in death, 
Dissolve ye nations at my breath,

Volcanoes vomit wide,

Earth, groaning through her marble womb.
Expand her jaws, the hideous tomb,

Of half a nation's pride.

Alas! wild fancy's gloomy song,
Nor all the melancholy throng

Of night's dark offspring joined,

Can plant the awful majesty
Of an offended Deity,

When vengeance fills his mind.




1:45, p. 1




Unattributed, “"Be Still and Know That I Am God",” Periodical Poets, accessed July 27, 2024, https://periodicalpoets.com/items/show/679.


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