The Re-Union of Zion

Dublin Core


The Re-Union of Zion


Rejoice, ye fathers in Israel—
Ye mothers in Zion, weep for joy!
Awake, ye sons of Judah, and sing!
Ye daughters of Jerusalem, shout—
Shout: To Zion hath returned
The ransomed of the Lord!

Years hath ye wept

Bitter tears: mournings and lamentations
From thine altars have ceaselessly flowed
For thine altars have ceaselessly flowed
For thine that were not.
Thou didst not cease to mourn in hours
Of thy most dark and dire distress;
Thy voice wast heard amidst the thunders
Of false brethren, high above the
Thick gathered clouds. Thine annointed
Head appears unscathed amidst 
The fierce lightnings of thy foes.

Harp of Zion, sing!

Lift up your voice on high, ye saints
Of God! Shout, ye redeemed! Rejoice
And sing, for Zion, united Zion, is free!
Rejoice upon the walls, ye watchmen—
Rejoice, and proclaim the tidings of joy!
This day, in union sweet,
The brethren dwell in amity!

Rejoice! The morn of thy deliverance
Has come; the sun of peace
In joy descends thy cloudless sky,
To guid thy feet in holiness!

Rejoice, O Zion!

May naught be heard within thy walls
Save the whispering of that voice
Whose soft tones bid thee still rejoice—
In faith, and hope, and truth, rejoice!

Ye people, rejoice!

Give thanks and praise to God;
To the eternal Father, Son, and Spirit—
Infinite One in Three, essential Three in One—
Be glory, praise, dominion; power,
Now and forevermore!

Shout! Lift thy voice on high,
Inhabitants of Zion!
Shout the word of the Lord,
Of union and love. Zion, rejoice!
The Lord this day has remembered thee!


John D. Bagwell


1:49, p. 4




John D. Bagwell, “The Re-Union of Zion,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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