The Dawn of Redemption

Dublin Core


The Dawn of Redemption


See them go forth like the floods to the ocean.

Gathering might from each tide mountains and glen.

Wilder and deeper the tide of devotion

Rolls up to God from the bosom of men.

Here the great multitude, mingling in chorus.

Groan as they gaze from their crimes to the sky,

"Father the midnight of death gathers o'er us,

When will the dawn of redemption draw nigh?'

"Look on us wanderers, sinful and lowly,

Struggling with grief and temptation, below,

Thine is the goodness o'er everything holy,

Thine is the mercy to pity our woe,—

Thine is the power to cleanse and restore us

Spotless and pure as the angels on high.

Father the midnight of death gathers o'er us,

When will the dawn of redemption drawn nigh?"

Gray hair and golden youth, matron and maiden,

Lovers of mammon and followers of fame,

All with the same solemn burden are laden,

Lifting their souls to that One Mighty Name,

"Wild is the pathway that surges before us,

On the broad waters the black shadows lie,

Father the midnight of death gathers o'er us.

When will the dawn of redemption draw nigh?"

Lo! the vast depth of futurity ocean

Heaves with Jehovah's mysterious breath!

Mortals press on—while the deep is in motion,

Jesus is walking the waters of death;

Angels are mingling with men in the chorus,

Rising like incense from earth to the sky,

"Father, the billows grow brighter before us,

Heaven, with its mansions eternal draw nigh?"


James G. Clark


1:4, p. 4




James G. Clark, “The Dawn of Redemption,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 8, 2024,


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