Rich and Poor

Dublin Core


Rich and Poor


I saw a poor man enter where

The worshippers of God were seen.

His garments cheap and worn threadbare.

Yet all was tidy, neat, and clean—

I saw him take a lonely seat,

And worship at the Saviour's feet.

I saw, hard by, a family

Dress'd out in satin, silk, and gold:

Their look was haughty, proud, and high,

Their gait was very stern and bold—

They scarcely deigned to look that way,

So poor was he, so rich were they.

I looked again my faith ahead.

And saw the "great white throne" on high:

I saw the living and the dead,

All hastening to their destiny:

The rich and poor were in that host,

And some were saved and some were lost.

I saw the man who years ago

Was dressed in tinsel, silk, and gold:

But oh, how changed! how full of woe!

What anguish did his looks unfold!

His lofty airs were fled and gone,

He stood a wretch, unsaved, undone.

I saw the poor man clad in white,

Stand with the glorious seraphim;

Angels that glow in realms of light,

Were not ashamed to be with him—

Oh who would not prefer to be

A sinner saved, though poor as he?




1:8, p. 4




Unattributed, “Rich and Poor,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 19, 2024,


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