Secession Poetry

Dublin Core


Secession Poetry


A War correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette claims that the following effusions were found among the official papers of the Adjutant of one of the Virginia regiments:

Come all you brave Virginia boys

With hearts boath stout and true

Come lets go down to the mason line

And whip the Northern crue

Old lincoln is there president.

That everybody knows

And he Was elected by the Vote

Of men as black as Crows.

A Malgamation is ther theme

And that will never do

Come lets down to the Battle ground

And Whip the Northern Crue

Be brave and Bold your Valiant boys

and keep your Armors Bright

For sothern Boys Wonts nothing else

But Just the thing thats Right

God Made the people Black and white

he made the red man to

And for to mix up is not Right

lets Whip the Negro crue

if honor sease your Soards brave boys

And Muskets not a few

Come lets go down to the Battle ground

And Whip the Northern crue

Fight on Brave Boys without a dout

On til you gain the Field

The god of Battle he is stout

He will caus our foas to yeald

Our wives and sweet hearts

tell us go and fight Just like A man

And keep the northern negro crue

off a Virginue land

if luckey is our doom Brave Boys

in old Abe lincon hall

On our Independent day

We will Tak a Sothern Ball

and whn we come safe home Again

Our wives and sweet hearts to

We they will welcom us from Washington

for thy have nothing elce to do

August the 14 1861




1:9, p. 3




Cincinnati Gazette


Unattributed, “Secession Poetry,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 8, 2024,


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