Better Late Than Never

Dublin Core


Better Late Than Never


Life is a race where some succeed

While the others are beginning;

'Tis luck at times, at others speed,

That gives an early winning.

But if you chance to fall behind,

Ne'er slacken your endeavor,

But keep this wholsome truth in mind,

'Tis better late than never.

If you can keep ahead, 'tis well

But never trip your neighbor;

'Tis noble when you can excel

By honest, patient labor;

But if you are outstripped at last,

Press on as bold as ever;

Remember, though you are surpassed,

'Tis better late than never.

Ne'er labor for an idle boast

Of victory o'er another;

But while you strive your uttermost,

Deal fairly with a brother.

Whate'er your station, do your best,

And hold your purpose ever;

And if you fail to beat the rest,

'Tis better late than never.

Choose well the path in which you run,

Succeed by noble daring;

Then, tho' the last, when once 'tis won,

Your crown is worth the wearing.

Then never fret if left behind,

Nor slacken your endeavor,

But ever keep this truth in mind—

'Tis better late than never.




1:11, p. 1




Unattributed, “Better Late Than Never,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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