The Light at Home

Dublin Core


The Light at Home


The light of Home! how bright it beams!

When evening shades around us fall,

And from the lattice far it gleams,

To love and rest, and comfort call;

When wearied with the toils of day,

The strife for glory, gold or fame,

How sweet to seek the quiet way.

Where loving lips will lisp our name,

Around the light at Home.

When through the dark and stormy night,

The wayward wanderer homeward fliesl

How cheering is that twinkling light

That through the forest gloom he spies!

It is the light at Home. He feels

That loving hearts will greet him there;

And softly through his bosom steals

That joy and love that banish care,

Around the Light at Home.

The Light at Home! when e'er at last

It greets the seaman through the storm,

He feels no more the chilling blast

That beats against his manly form.

Long years upon the sea have fled

Since Mary gave her parting kiss;

But the sad tears which then she shed

Will now be paid with rapturous bliss,

Around the light at Home!

The light at Home! how still and sweet

It peeps from yonder cottage door—

The weary laborer to greet—

When the rough toils of day are o'er.

Sad is the soul that does not know

The blessings that the beams impart,

The cheerful hopes and joy that flow,

And lighten up the heaviest heart.

Around the light at Home.




1:13, p. 4




Unattributed, “The Light at Home,” Periodical Poets, accessed October 18, 2024,


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