Rural Felicity

Dublin Core


Rural Felicity


Oh! how charming the scenes appear!

When nature is blooming and gay,

And the golden harvest is near,

And the lawns in flow'ry array.

How beauteous, the sloping green hills,

And groves fann'd zephyr's mild breath;

The silvery murmuring rills;

And the vallies smiling beneath.

To see, the lambs sport on the mead;

The shepherd looks on with delight,

While, the dams beside, gently feed,

And birds mellow sonnets recite.

In alcoves adorn'd with sweet flowers,

True lovers their vows often plight,

With tales and soft lays pass their hours,

And taste the sweet evening's delight!

Those lovely scenes surround the cot,

That, innocent and modest seat!

Oh! how alluring is that spot!

Where, Virtue finds a calm retreat!

'Tis here the matron plies the wheel,

Or, soothes her darling babe to rest;

How sweet the kisses she may steal;

While, fondly smiling at her breast.

Beside, the green hill flows the spring,

Where the Cottager drinks when he's dry;

Around, the hens cackle and sing,

And the little pigs squeal in the sty.

The cow returns home without fail,

With a precious and plenteous store,

Then, trips, the sweet maid with a pail,

While, Towser sits guarding the door.

O, healthful scenes of nect'rous peace!

Remote from cities fraught with broils,

'Tis here the rustic till with ease,

And competence rewards his toils.

Scenes, of my childhood and my youth!

How oft I've gambol'ed o'er they green;

Where, stands the monument of truth!

Where worshippers devout convene!




1:29 p. 116





Unattributed, “Rural Felicity,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 20, 2024,


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