Via Crucis, Via Lucis

Dublin Core


Via Crucis, Via Lucis


Night turns to day:

When sullen darkness lowers,

And heaven and earth are hid from sight,

Cheer up, cheer up;

Ere long the opening flowers,

With dewy eyes shall shine in light.

Storms die in calms:

When over land and ocean

Roll the loud chariots of the wind,

Cheer up, cheer up;

The voice of wild commotion

Proclaims tranquillity behind.

Winter wakes spring:

When icy blasts are blowing

O'er frozen lakes, through naked trees,

Cheer up, cheer up;

All beautiful and glowing

May floats in fragrance on the breeze.

War ends in peace:

Though dread artillery rattle,

And ghastly corpses load the ground,

Cheer up, cheer up,

Where groan'd the field of battle,

The song, the dance, the feast, go round

Toil brings repose:

With noon-tide fervours beating.

When droop thy temples o'er thy breast,

Cheer up, cheer up,

Gray twilight, cool and fleeting,

Wafts on its wing the hour of rest.

Death springs to life:

Though brief and sad thy story,

Thy years all spent in care and gloom,

Look up, look up;

Eternity and glory

Dawn through the portals of the tomb.




1:40, p. 160





Unattributed, “Via Crucis, Via Lucis,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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