Browse Collections (6 total)

Weekly Anglo-African

The Rights of All

Founded by Samuel Cornish not long after he resigned from Freedom's Journal, The Rights of Allwas published monthly at 149 Church Street, at one…

The New York Age

Founded as New York Globe (1880-1884) by Timothy Thomas Fortune (and briefly renamed the Freeman from 1884-1887), The New York Age was a weekly…

The Colored American

Originally published asThe Weekly Advocate,The Colored Americanwas a weekly paper published in New York City by Samuel Cornish, Phillip Alexander…

The Anglo-African Magazine


TheAnglo-African Magazine was the first African-American literary magazine. Its masthead declared it was "devoted to Literature, Science, Statistics,…

Freedom's Journal


The Freedom's Journal was the first African-American owned newspaper in the United States, and ran every Friday.