Browse Items (174 total)

I gaze upon that lovely cheek, By beauty's seal imprest, But dare not let my glances speak The love that thrills my breast; For ah! too well, too well I know Thou never canst be mine; I gaze - and tears unbidden flow Yea, tears, my Caroline! I love…

I'd willing take the harp once more,And strike its soul inspiring lays,Its melody should o'er and o'er,Responsive answer all thy praise.But no, its chords, I may not wake,For faint and sad would be the strain;The tones so mournful, now that…

Hail! land of Leonidas still, Though Moslems encircle thy shore; And swear in their vengeance to fill The cup of thy destiny o'er. Yet quail not, descendants of those, The heroes of Marathon's plain; Better lay where your fathers repose, Than wear…

Remember Me Yes, dear one, to the envied train Of those around, thy moments pay; But wilt thou never kindly deign To think of him that's far away? Thy form - thine eye - thine angel smile, For weary years I may not see; But wilt thou not, sometimes…

Sweet minstrel, take thy harp again,And breathe upon its chords of fire;I claim one warm responsive strainOf holy friendship from thy lyre.No brighter them can poet ask,That fountain of Platonic love:Then sing, for thou art meet the task,Thy draught…

The liquid chrystal glitters in thine eye,The pearly dew drop quivers on they cheek,Thy snowy bosom heaves the trembling sigh,What can they grief dispel? - Speak, Lady Speak!Thy ivory brow with thought is overcast,Thy dulcet accents tremulously…

Farewell! my dear friend, but I leave you with sorrow,And regret pains my breast that we ever must part;For in youth I look'd forward with hope to the morrow,That should give and bind to me a soul without art.I found thee congenial, my heart hail'd…

Now, the nuptial knot is tied,Su'da attends the lovely bride;Crown her, ye celestial powers,Flora, strew her path with flowers.Ye nine, your golden harps employ;To melting strains of nuptial joy;Oh! Cupid prove the gentle guide!To this new, this…

Hail to thee! bright and ever rolling moon,Wheeling thy car in splendour through the sky;Thou art to mortals a most welcome boon,When waves Old Night his ebon [sic] wand on high,Thou beamest in thy beauty and how soonFlee the light clouds with their…

Night turns to day: When sullen darkness lowers, And heaven and earth are hid from sight, Cheer up, cheer up; Ere long the opening flowers, With dewy eyes shall shine in light. Storms die in calms: When over land and ocean Roll the loud chariots of…
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