Browse Items (174 total)

Like to the falling of a star,
Or as the flights of eagles are;
Or like the fresh spring's gaudy hue,
Or silver drops of morning dew;
Or like a wind that chafes the flood,
Or bubbles which on water stood;
Ev'n such is man, whose borrow'd…

I saw a band of brothers move, With slow and solemn tread; Their hearts were join'd by ties of love, In charity were wed. Sad types of light's illumin'd ray Shone on the path they trod; And in the midst, wide open lay The gospel of our God. I asked a…

I've seen an army put to rout, And whole battalions turn about, And flee away from trouble; And I have seen great towns ransak'd, And lofty spires by earthquakes rack'd, And thought them a mere bubble. But Oh! I've seen with trembling fear, The…

"My Country, my Country! - O, there is a charmAnd spell, in that sound, which must every heart warm;Let us burn at the line, let us freeze at the pole,Pronounce but the sound, and it thrills through the soul.And where lies the charm in that all…

Alas! lovely hawthorn, how lately I gazedOn thy flourishing branches, all covered with bloom,So perfect their beauty, I paused while I praised,And inhaled from the gale their delicious perfume.Like the blush on a cloud, in the sun's parting beam,When…

Hail, thou blooming violetThou firstling of the spring,Precursor of the fragrant band,That with them odours bring,Thou lift'st thy blushing purple leavesUp from the woodland green,And smils't reserv'd like modestyThat strives not to be seen.I prize…

The Angel of death was hovering near,A voice had sent, thou couldst not hear,To beckon the friend of my heart away,To the regions of glory - of endless day.He has gone in the morning of youthful pride,Where the high and the humble must all…

Alas! the blooming youth is gone! How swift his days have flown; He's left his recent bride forlorn, In bitterness to moan. The nuptial harp just gayly tun'd, Is soon to sorrow given; Alas! his sweetest pleasure's ruin'd! The golden band is…

Far, far above the world I soar,And almost nature lose,Aerial regions to exploreWith this ambitious muse.My tow'ring thoughts with pinions riseUpon the gales of song,Which waft me through the mental skyWith music on my tongue.My muse is all on mystic…

Hail glorious day, of heavenly birth,A sacred day to moral worth,A day which is our God's alone,A day we cannot call our own.A day on which we should not say,Or do what we would every day -From worldly bus'ness should refrain,And seek for more…
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