Browse Items (174 total)

I have left my husband I do declare,And have reason for to care --My bread to gain, one child to maintain,If I had the other then I'd count it gain.He is not tall nor very slim.If you see him once you'll know 'tis him. -Benjamin Hobart is his…

And thus they flit away Earth's lovely things. Where's the snow - the summer's snow - On the lovely lilly flower? Where the hues the sunset shed O'er the rose's crimson hour? Where's the gold - the bright pure gold - O'er the young laburnum…

Whose is you sable bier Why move the throng so slow? Why doth that lonely mother's tear In sudden anguish flow? Why is that sleeper laid To rest in manhood's pride? How gain'd his check such pallid shade? I spake, - but none replied. The hoarse wave…

There is a mystic thread of life, So dearly wreath's with mine alone, That destiny's relentless knife At once must sever both or none. There is a form on which these eyes Have often gazed with fond delight; By day that form their joy supplies, And…

Oh! thine was love so pure and sweet, So tender, firm, and so sincere, How often have we met to greet Each new, each happy year. Then hours flew unheeded by, By giddy mirth and song: But death, alas! has clos'd the eye, Which shone in pleasure's…

Blest hours of childhood, then and then aloneDance we the revels gay round pleasure's throne.(Thoughts of recluseDear cherished hours how much ye tell,Of all once known and lov'd so well;On memory's page one leaf is there,Bearing a trace of joys that…

I AM weary of my life, I am tired of the earth,Of its dark sorrows and boisterous mirth,Of its changeful scenes, its uncertain joys,Its wo that frowns, and its pleasure that cloys,Of its dreams that delude the youthful breast:- Would that I could…

I saw a band of brothers move, With slow and solemn tread; Their hearts were join'd by ties of love, In charity were wed. Sad types of light's illumin'd ray Shone on the path they trod; And in the midst, wide open lay The gospel of our God. I asked a…

THE tears I shed must fall, I mourn not for an absent Swain, For thought may past delights recall, And parted lovers meet again. I weep not for the silent dead. Their toils are past, their sorrows o'er, And those they lov'd their steps shall…

I gaze upon that lovely cheek, By beauty's seal imprest, But dare not let my glances speak The love that thrills my breast; For ah! too well, too well I know Thou never canst be mine; I gaze - and tears unbidden flow Yea, tears, my Caroline! I love…
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