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Proudly on Cressy's tented wold The Lion flag of England flew; As proudly gleamed its crimson fold O'er the dun heights of Waterloo: But other lyres shall greet the brave; Sing now, that we have freed the Slave. The ocean plain, where Nelson…

Farewell to thee, sweet summer, Thou art almost past away, And wither'd are the roses, So lately fresh and gay; Of if in sunny bowers Some few may yet be found, They too soon will be faded, And scattered o'er the ground. Farewell to thee,…

Go forth with Nature - she hath many voices, Speaking deep lessons to the human heart, Where the blue streamlet in its course rejoices, And where amid the forest wild birds dart, Bearing in some sweet chorus each a part; Wind, wave, and blossom,…

Were I as black as ebony - Dy'd with a torrid sun, Or with his milder beams but tinged A Hindoo, brown or dun; Or was I of the sallow hue Where temperate beams prevail - Or did I wear a snowy brow, By Northern winds bleached pale; The cause I…

Oh! there are hours whose memory will With golden drapery deck the soul, And through her inmost centre thrill, Awakening bliss beyond control. Aye, there are hours which paint the world The very vestibule of heaven, As if some angel wing,…

Farewell, brother's gentle breezes Waft thee o'er the briny deep; May the eye that never slumbers His sure vigils o'er the keep. May the hand that's never weary, Blessings give to thee and thine; Blessings on them, Holy Father, From thy never…

THERE is a song, whose echo's rang Throughout the vault on high - Angels descended first and sang 'Salvation' thro' the sky. Sweet music! Oh what rapt'rous words Were blended in that song! A Saviour! - 'we his name record' - Thus shout th'…

Saw ye where the Savior keptWatch, while his disciples slept?Did ye hear the Savior speak,While the sweat bedewed his cheek?Did ye listen to the Lord,And receive the hallowed word?Heard ye your Redeemer sayTo his followers, "Watch and pray?"Not to…

The brakes with golden flowers were crowned,And melody was heard around,When near a stream, a dew-drop shedIts lustre on a violet's head;While, trembling to the breeze, it hung.The streamlet as it rolled along,The beauty of the morn confessed,And…

I saw him in the bloom of youth, Ere he had felt affliction's rod; He spurned the sacred book of truth, The glorious gospel of our God; And scorn'd the Almighty Power above, Whose eye creation's scope may scan; And read the source of hate or…
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