Browse Items (251 total)

The human mind - that lofty thing! The palace and the throne Where reason sits, a sceptered king, And breathes his judgment tone. Oh! who with silent step shall trace The borders of that haunted place, Nor in his weakness own That mystery and…

And they have spurned thy word, Thou of the old THIRTEEN? Whose soil, where Freedom's blood first poured, Hath yet a darker green? Tread the weak Southron's pride and lust, Thy name and counsels in the dust! And have they closed thy mouth, And…

On! to the battle, on! Let none to linger dare; Who'd taste the joys of victory soon Must in the conflict share. On! to the battle, on! The ranks for all are free; Man in his morn, his eve, his noon, And woman, there should be. On! to the…

Dedicated to little George, and other children. MORNING SONG. I. The shades of night are fled, The sun lights up the sky, And I have left my downy bed, To praise the God on high. II. To him my prayers ascend, To him my thanks be given, Him…

The rising sun in splendor shines, And bids the morn appear In all the brightness God designs, For us his creatures here. O! let us now, and ever raise, Our youthful voices high; O! let us every morning praise Our God who's ever nigh. For he…

O! whither art thou gone my child,
My one, my dear lost one from me?
O! would that I, to thee could fly,
And on thee cast my wishful eye;
My one, my own, my darling boy.

What fiend in human form, could dare
The power of God, and from me…

Here Jubal paused; for grim before him lay,Crouched like a lion watching for his prey,With blood-red eye of fascinating fire,Fix'd like the gazing serpent's, on the lyre,An awful form, that through the gloom appear'd,Half-brute, half-human; whose…

The fair smile of morning, The glory of noon, The bright stars, adorning The path of the moon; The mist covered mountain, The valley and plain, The lake and the fountain, The river and main - Their magic combining, Illume and control, The…

Go forth with Nature - she hath many voices, Speaking deep lessons to the human heart, Where the blue streamlet in its course rejoices, And where amid the forest wild birds dart, Bearing in some sweet chorus each a part; Wind, wave, and blossom,…

While, with ceaseless course, the sun Hasted through the former year, Many souls their race have run, Never more to meet us here! Fixed in an eternal state, They have done with all below; We a little longer wait; But how little, none can…
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