Browse Items (251 total)

In Eden's green retreats, A water brook, that play'd Between soft, mossy seats Beneath a plane-tree's shade, Whose rustling leaves Danc'd o'er its brink - Was Adam's drink, And also Eve's. Beside the parent spring Of that young…

Oh! let the soul its slumbers break, Arouse its senses and awake, To see how soon Life, like its glories, glides away, And the stern footsteps of decay Come stealing on. And while we view the rolling tide, Down which our flowing minutes…

Proudly on Cressy's tented wold The Lion flag of England flew; As proudly gleamed its crimson fold O'er the dun heights of Waterloo: But other lyres shall greet the brave; Sing now, that we have freed the Slave. The ocean plain, where Nelson…

TUNE - "I see them on their winding way."This is our Nation's natal day!Her starry banners brightly play;And marshaled hosts, with fife and drum,In long and bright procession come,To celebrate with honors due,The deeds of heroes bold and true;Who…

Oh! there are hours whose memory will With golden drapery deck the soul, And through her inmost centre thrill, Awakening bliss beyond control. Aye, there are hours which paint the world The very vestibule of heaven, As if some angel wing,…

THE broad - the bright - the glorious westIs spread before me now!Where the gray mists of morning restBeneath you mountain's brow:The bound is past - the gaol is won-The region of the setting sunIs open to my view;Land of the valiant and the…

I KNEW that we must part; day after day I saw the dread Destroyer win his way.That hollow cough first rang the fatal knell,As on my ear its prophet-warning fell;Feeble and slow the once light footstep grew,Thy wasting cheek put on death's pallid…

YOU will not see him more: - You, whose first thoughtsBlest with his image, who to manhood grewBeneath the shelter of his saintly shade,And brought your own young infants to his hand,For the baptismal water, and lived onAmid his teachings, till the…

Death triumphs and there's no defence,The spirit leaves its clay, and journeys henceTo blissful immortality so sweet.Here friends and kindred spirits meet,'Tis human nature that compels a tear,To part with one we love so dear.We mourn not without…

How beautiful is age When tending to repose, Like a full ripened shock of corn: It to heaven's garner goes. Brother and friend of peace, We seek thy shade in vain: Yet clings thy memory to the lip, Of penury and pain. Thy name is on the…
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