Browse Items (251 total)

Hail to the ever cheeringFirst,When slavery's iron shackles burst;Conduct, and notcolormustProve the worth of human dust.Thousandshail this hallowed day,Over the warm waves, far away,Where the tropic mountains rise,And summer never leaves the…

O Camalu - green Camalu! 'Twas there I fed my father's flock, Beside the mount where cedars threw At dawn their shadows from the rock; There tended I my father's flock Along the grassy-margined rills, Or chased the bounding bontebok With hound…

A farmer's life is the life for me, I own I love it dearly; And every season, full of glee, I take its labors cheerly - To plough or sow, To reap or mow, Or in the barn to thrash, sir, All's one to me, I plainly see 'Twill bring me…

Bowing adorers of the gale, Ye cowslips delicately pale, Upraise your loaded stems; Unfold your cups in splendor, speak! Who decked you with that ruddy streak, And gilt your golden gems? Violets, sweet tenants of the shade, In purple's richest…

A hymn more, O my lyre! Praise to the God above. Of joy, and life, and love, Sweeping its strings of fire! Oh! who the speed of bird and wind, And sunbeam's glance will lend to me, That soaring upward, I may find My resting-place and home in…

Come Home! Would I could send my spirit o'er the deep! Would I could wing it like a bird to thee, To commune with thy thoughts, to fill thy sleep With these unwearying words of melody - Brother, come home! Come Home! Come to the hearts that…

Token of friendship true and tried, From one whose fiery heart of youth With mine has beaten side by side, For Liberty and Truth: With honest pride the gift I take And prize it for the giver's sake. But not alone because it tells Of generous…

Afar in the Desert I love to rideWith the silent Bush-Boy alone by my side;When the sorrows of life the soul o'ercast,And sick of the Present, I cling to the Past:When the eye is suffused with regretful tears,From the fond recollections of former…

Searcher of gold, whose days and nights All waste away in anxious care, Estranged from all of life's delights, Unlearned in all that is most fair - Who sailest not with easy glide, But delvest in the depths of tide, And strugglest in the foam…

"What is there sadd'ning in the Autumn leaves?"Have they that "green and yellow Melancholy"That the sweet poet spake of? - Had he seenOur variegated woods, when first the frostTurns into beauty all October's charms -When the dread fever quits us -…
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