Browse Items (251 total)

Freedom's concentrated dower, Casket of a priceless gem! Nobler heritage of power Than imperial diadem! Cornerstone in which was reared Liberty's triumphal dome, When the glorious form appeared 'Midst our own green mountain home! Purchased by…

Ah! let not aught amiss within disposeA noble mind to practice on herself,And tempt opinion to support the wrongsOf passion: whatsoe'er be felt or feared,From higher judgment-seats make no appealTo lower: can you question that the soulInherits an…

Come, Brother, turn with me from pining thoughtAnd all the inward ills that sin has wrought;Come, send abroad a love for all who live,And feel the deep content in turn they give.Kind wishes and good deeds, — they make not poor;They'll home again,…

O! whither art thou gone my child,
My one, my dear lost one from me?
O! would that I, to thee could fly,
And on thee cast my wishful eye;
My one, my own, my darling boy.

What fiend in human form, could dare
The power of God, and from me…

Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind’s breath, And stars to set; but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death! Day is for mortal care,Eve, for glad meetings round the joyous hearth, Night, for the dreams of…

From old Virginia's mountains, From Carolina's strand, Where Georgia's glittering fountains Abound with golden sand; From many a Southern river, From many a vale and plain, They call us to deliver From Slavery's galling chain. What through…

There is one mind, one omnipresent mind,Omnific. His most holy name is Love.Truth of sublime import! with the whichWho feeds and saturates his constant soul,He from his small particular orbit fliesWith bless'd outstarting! From Himself he…

TWO VOICES. While yet the sun, God's servant, waits, And his reviving beams delays, Around the attendant, misty earth, A dim, cold influence plays. Thou First! and High! and Holy One! Our light of life from thee descends; Thy dim reflections…

ALL night the booming minute-gun Had peal'd along the deep, And mournfully the rising sun Looked o'er the tide-worn steep. A bark from India's coral strand, Before the raging blast, Had vail'd her topsails to the sand, And bow'd her noble…
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