Browse Items (251 total)

Dear as thou wast, and justly dear, We will not weep for thee; One thought shall check the starting tear, It is - that thou art free. And thus shall Faith's consoling power The tears of love restrain; Oh! who that saw thee here on hour Could…

Up! pilgrims and rover, Redouble thy haste! Nor rest thee till over Life's wearisome waste. Ere the wild forest ranger Thy footsteps betray, To trouble and danger - Oh, drink and away! Here lurks the dark savage By night and by day, To rob…

Come, Brother, turn with me from pining thoughtAnd all the inward ills that sin has wrought;Come, send abroad a love for all who live,And feel the deep content in turn they give.Kind wishes and good deeds, — they make not poor;They'll home again,…

The rising sun in splendor shines, And bids the morn appear In all the brightness God designs, For us his creatures here. O! let us now, and ever raise, Our youthful voices high; O! let us every morning praise Our God who's ever nigh. For he…

"Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD." REV. xiv. 3."These are they which came out of great tribulation." REC. vii. 14.FINISHED is thy strife, thy conflict's o'er,The eyes that wept are now to weep no more:GOD shall wipe away all tears in…

"Room for the leper! Room!" And as he cameThe cry passed on - "Room for the leper! Room!"Sunrise was slanting on the city gatesRosy and beautiful, and from the hillsThe early risen poor were coming inDuly and cheerfully to their toil, and upRose the…

Holy Father, thee we praise;Thee, to everlasting daysWorshipp'd, glorified, adored;We acknowledge thee, the Lord.All the earth doth worship thee;Powers of heaven in praise agree;Angels to the cry aloud;Saints in adoration bowed;Cherubim before thy…

The moon is risen on the hill; The stars in glorious beauty shine; The hosts of heaven and earth are still, As silenced by a power divine; Nor more the western skies display The ruby tints of parting day. It is a calmly sacred hour, When half…

I. Sweet slumbering babe! that breath'st so soft and low, Encircled in thy mother's shielding arm; Thy life's mild current, just begun to flow, Is not more strangely new, or purely warm, Than those parental sympathies, now stirred In nature's…

"There is poetry that is not written: - it is living in the hearts of many to whom rhyme is a mystery." - N.P. Willis. Thou hast a fragrant, beauteous flower, Whose kindred blossoms wave In ev'ry breeze that floats around The bard of Avon's…
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