Browse Items (251 total)

The sun is gone; and clouds of gold,As banners on the breeze unrolled,Crowned with imperial purple, rise;And light, as calm as India's skies,Gilds nature; aye, a holier ray,Purer and kindlier than day - As if a gleam from Heaven, Bursting the…

Bowing adorers of the gale, Ye cowslips delicately pale, Upraise your loaded stems; Unfold your cups in splendor, speak! Who decked you with that ruddy streak, And gilt your golden gems? Violets, sweet tenants of the shade, In purple's richest…

Perched on a rock, I proudly gaze Upon the world below; A broad champing before me lies. Where streams like brooklets flow The tree is dwindled to the shrub, The palace to the shed; Man to a speck--small as the grub Crushed 'neath his…

Is this the land our fathers loved? The freedom which they toiled to wine? Is this the soil whereon they moved? Are these the graves they slumber in? Are we the dons by whom is borne The mantle which the dead have worn? And shall we crouch above…

Hie to the mountain afar, All in the cool of the even, Led by you beautiful star, First of the daughters of Heaven. Sweet to the slave is the season of rest - Something far sweeter he looks for to-night; His heart lies…

Farewell, brother's gentle breezes Waft thee o'er the briny deep; May the eye that never slumbers His sure vigils o'er the keep. May the hand that's never weary, Blessings give to thee and thine; Blessings on them, Holy Father, From thy never…

Holy Father, thee we praise;Thee, to everlasting daysWorshipp'd, glorified, adored;We acknowledge thee, the Lord.All the earth doth worship thee;Powers of heaven in praise agree;Angels to the cry aloud;Saints in adoration bowed;Cherubim before thy…

Admit her to the Union? - Yes! If our democracy can bow To kings, and is prepared to kiss The loathsome hem of tyrants now; From principles that years have tried, If thus we fall, no longer men, And to our fathers' deeds of pride Are recreant…

There were bright vision's in my dreams, Sights of my native land - How beautiful her bonny streams, Flowing o'er golden sand - How beautiful the flowers beside, Stooping to drink their silver tide. My old companions bounding came From bamboo…

At length life's stormy voyage well nigh is done, These waves shall toss my fragile bark no more. But ah! - there waits the Judge, the unerring One, Who shall each work, and word, and thought explore! And is it so? - The fantasy is o'er That…
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