Browse Items (251 total)

"So we went toward Rome, and from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum, whom when Paul saw, he thanked God and took courage." ACTS xxviii: 14, 15. How strong the love, that binds Two souls in…

Freedom's concentrated dower, Casket of a priceless gem! Nobler heritage of power Than imperial diadem! Cornerstone in which was reared Liberty's triumphal dome, When the glorious form appeared 'Midst our own green mountain home! Purchased by…

Not to the mount where fire and smoke, Jehovah's face concealed, When loud to wandering man he spoke, To make his law revealed - Not to the awful splendor there, Can turn my fearful eye! To hear its thunderings, and to dare Its lightnings,…

"Not MY will, but THINE."I had a tender blossom, Its nursing root was dead, And in my breast I hid it, When its angel mother fled! But at every blast I shudder'd, And I trembled, day and night, Lest some unseen destroyer, My only bud should…

This little book I'd rather own Than all the gold and gems That e'er in monarch's coffer shon, Than all their diadems. Nay, were the seas one chrysolite, The earth one golden ball, And diamonds all the stars of night This book were worth them…

"The Indians of Bengal, and of the coast of Malabar, bring cages filled with birds to the graves of their friends, over which they set the birds at liberty. This custom is alluded to in the description of Virginia's funeral." - See Paul and Virginia.…

THERE is a song, whose echo's rang Throughout the vault on high - Angels descended first and sang 'Salvation' thro' the sky. Sweet music! Oh what rapt'rous words Were blended in that song! A Saviour! - 'we his name record' - Thus shout th'…

Earth speaks in many voices: from the roar Of the wild cataract, whose causeless din Shakes the far forest and resounding shore, To the meek rivulet which seems to win Its modest way amid spring's pleasant bowers, Singing its quiet song to charm…

"Now I saw in my dream, that the highway which Christian was to go, was fenced on either side with a wall, and that wall was called Salvation; Isaiah 26; 1. Up this way, therefore, did burdened Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because…

O Camalu - green Camalu! 'Twas there I fed my father's flock, Beside the mount where cedars threw At dawn their shadows from the rock; There tended I my father's flock Along the grassy-margined rills, Or chased the bounding bontebok With hound…
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