Browse Items (251 total)

Wake! children of the men who said,"All are born free!" Their spirits comeBack to the places where they bledIn Freedom's holy martyrdom,And find you sleeping on their graves,And hugging there your chains, - ye slaves!Ay - slaves of slaves! What,…

Slowly, with measured tread, Onward we bear the dead To his long home. Short grows the homeward road, On with your mortal load. Oh, grave! we come. Yet, yet - ah! hasten not Past each remembered spot Where he hath been; Where late he walked in…

HIGH amid the mountain ridges I have clim'b, and stand alone, Where the mist the torrent bridges In a world of stream and stone. Dark ravines, and summits boary, Downward steeps that scare the view, Blocks whose sculpture hides a story Human…

My country! 'tis for thee, Dark land of slavery, For Thee I weep; Land where the slave has signed, Land, where he toiled and died, To serve a tyrant's pride - For thee I weep, My native country! thee, Land of the noble free - Of Liberty - My…

List, list, the notes of anguish From yonder arid plains, Where millions groan and languish 'Neath slavery's galling chains. To Heaven, with look imploring, They urge their earnest prayer, With humble hearts adoring The God that reigneth…

On breezy pinion mournful Eve came singing Over the silent hills, and to the glades, And violet-beds a stream of odours bringing, And waking music in the forest-shades; For 'twas the time when the lone cotter wending His silent way along the…

Father of all, this Sabbath night My soul, I'll lift to thee, - I pray that thou wilt guide me right, 'Till I am call'd to eternity. Forbid, O Father! that I should stray From thy most just command - Lord sin abounds here every day, Altho' at…

THY cage is open'd bird - too well I love thee To bar the sunny things of earth from thee: A whole broad heaven of blue lies calm above thee, The green wood waves beneath and thou art free. These slender wires shall prison thee no more - Up,…

"Twas sunset upon Spain. The sky of JuneBent o'er her airy hills, and on their tops,The mountain cork-trees caught the fading lightOf a resplendent day. The painter threwHis pencil down, and with a glance of prideUpon his beautiful and finished…

The human mind - that lofty thing! The palace and the throne Where reason sits, a sceptered king, And breathes his judgment tone. Oh! who with silent step shall trace The borders of that haunted place, Nor in his weakness own That mystery and…
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