Browse Items (251 total)

Thou visitest the earth,And waterest it;Thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God,Which is full of water.Thou preparest them corn,When thou hast so provided for it.Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly;Thou settlest the furrows…

"Room for the leper! Room!" And as he cameThe cry passed on - "Room for the leper! Room!"Sunrise was slanting on the city gatesRosy and beautiful, and from the hillsThe early risen poor were coming inDuly and cheerfully to their toil, and upRose the…

Launch thy bark, mariner! Christian, God speed thee! Let loose the rudder bands - Good angels lead thee! Set thy sails warily, Tempests will come: Steer thy course steadily, Christian, steer home! Look to the weather bow, Breakers are round…

"Not by the lion's paw, the serpent's tooth, By sudden sun-stroke, or by slow decay, War, famine, plague, meek messenger of truth, Wert thou arrested on thy pilgrim way. "The sultry whirlwind spared thee in its wrath; The lightning flashed…

The spring of feeling gushes there, In mystic light from virtue's rays, Is like the pure undying air That o'er the fact of nature plays; No selfish view, or sordid tie, Around the MOTHER'S heart will cling, Nor in the hidden bed will lie A…

My Home's on the mountain, 'Mid fragrance and shade, Where gushes the fountain, In wild flowers arrayed; Where nature is sweetest, Unfashion'd by art, And winds wing their fleetest - A home of the heart. The bright summer's morning Breaks…

The occurrence her related took place during the great conflagration in New York, December 16, 1835. It was a fearful night, The strong flame fiercely sped From street to street, from spire to spire. And on their treasures fed; Hark! - 'tis a…

It was a fearful night, The strong flame sped From street to street, from spire to spire, And on their treasures tread; Hark! 'Tis a mother's cry, High o'er the tumlt wild, As rushing toward her flame wrapped home She shriek'd - My child! My…

ALAS! I am an Orphan Boy, With nought on earth to cheer my heart; No father's love, no mother's joy, No kin nor kind to take my part. My lodging is the cold, cold ground, I eat the bread of charity; And when the kiss of loves goes round, There…

When Adam, with his blooming rib,By the behest of Heaven,From Paradise, his native home,All sorrowing was driven -The curse primeval, though so hard,A blessing was, I trow,That she should nurse her little babes,While he should guide the PLOUGH!So our…
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