Browse Items (251 total)

It was a fearful night, The strong flame sped From street to street, from spire to spire, And on their treasures tread; Hark! 'Tis a mother's cry, High o'er the tumlt wild, As rushing toward her flame wrapped home She shriek'd - My child! My…

"There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." --- How beautiful, how beautiful, The land of promised calm, Where Sharon's roses ceaseless bloom, And Gilead's trees of balm; Where every tear is…

Around thee shall the prairie roll its green And flowery billows far off in the sun, And a deep murmur rise from that wide scene, The solemn and low-chanted hymn of one Whose spirit, like the sunshine beaming bright, Poured for the mellow light…

There were bright vision's in my dreams, Sights of my native land - How beautiful her bonny streams, Flowing o'er golden sand - How beautiful the flowers beside, Stooping to drink their silver tide. My old companions bounding came From bamboo…

When on a fragrant scandal tree The woodman's axe descends, And she, who bloomed so beauteously, Beneath the weapon bends. E'en on the edge that wrought her death,Dying she breathes her sweetest breath,As if to token in her fallPeace to her…

There is one bright enchanting spot, Where love and beauty glow, Which oft the glorious grace of God, Hath made a heaven below; And in that covenant-sheltered spot There is a radient gem, More precious far than ocean pearls, Or empire's…

The rising sun in splendor shines, And bids the morn appear In all the brightness God designs, For us his creatures here. O! let us now, and ever raise, Our youthful voices high; O! let us every morning praise Our God who's ever nigh. For he…

"The Indians of Bengal, and of the coast of Malabar, bring cages filled with birds to the graves of their friends, over which they set the birds at liberty. This custom is alluded to in the description of Virginia's funeral." - See Paul and Virginia.…

"Not MY will, but THINE."I had a tender blossom, Its nursing root was dead, And in my breast I hid it, When its angel mother fled! But at every blast I shudder'd, And I trembled, day and night, Lest some unseen destroyer, My only bud should…

Thou art a harsh instructer - yet by thee We learn important lessons; thou dost teach How frail and fleeting earthly hopes may be How oft the goal recedes we strive to reach; Thine is a form of darkness, and we turn Heart-sick and weary from the…
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