Browse Items (251 total)

God said, "Let there be light!" Grim darkness felt his might, And fled away: Then startled seas, and mountains cold Shone forth all bright in blue and gold, And cried, "Tis day! tis day!" "Hail, holy light!" exclaim'd The thunderous crowd that…

This star sinks below the horizon in certain latitudes. I watched it sink lower and lower every night, till at last it disappeared. A star has left the kindling sky, - A lovely northern light: How many planets are on high! But that has left the…

When liberty first sought a home on the earth, No altar the goddess could find Till art's greatest triumph to printing gave birth, And temper she reared in the mind, The phantoms of ignorance shrunk from the sight, And tyranny's visage grew…

The evening was glorious, and light through the treesPlayed the sunshine and rain-drops, the birds and the breeze;The landscape, outstretching in loveliness, layOn the lap of the year, in the beauty of May.For the queen of the spring, as she passed…

There is a Reaper, whose name is Death, And with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. 'Shall I have naught that is fair,' saith he: 'Have naught but the bearded grain? Tho' the breath of…

THE world is full of toil, It bids the traveler roam, It binds the laborer to the soil, The student to his home - The beasts of burden sigh, O'erloaded and opprest - The Sabbath lifts its banner high, And gives the weary rest. The world is…

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." WEARY pilgrim, dost thou toil Friendless o'er earth's pathway here? Dost thou seek a better soil, Where approach not guilt and fear? Come to me, and I will guide To that every peaceful shore, Where the…

"The attack on Fort Felon was made, it is supposed, by Phillip and his gang. The action must have taken place before the information of the truce could have been received by the Indians who made the attack. - (Southern paper.) Blaze! with your…

The king of day's proud course was done; His fire grew red, and dim, and soon We parted with the glorious sun, To welcome in the silvery moon; The starts shed down their lustrous light Upon the face of earth serene - The bright, majestic queen…

Come! rouse ye, brothers, rouse! a peal now breaksFrom lowest island to our gallant lakes:'Tis summoning you, who long in bonds have lain,To stand up manful on the battle plain, -Each as a warrior, with his armor bright,Prepared to battle in a…
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