Browse Items (251 total)

Oh! let the soul its slumbers break, Arouse its senses and awake, To see how soon Life, like its glories, glides away, And the stern footsteps of decay Come stealing on. And while we view the rolling tide, Down which our flowing minutes…

Is it not the deep drawn sigh? Is it not in the stifled groan, When solitary and alone, And with the Spirit hovering nigh? Is it not in the anguish'd prayer Of him who feels his heart is riven, And seeks to lay his burthen where There is a…

Great God! we thank thee for this day, And all its mercies given; O may the blessings we've received, Direct our souls to heaven. O Lord! watch o'er us through this night, Be thou our Gardian near, And keep us safe till morning light, Without…

Fading, still fading, is written on all; Over life's pathway still lingers the pall. Joy for the youthful Fill high the brim - Ere it be tasted Pale death enters in. Bright flowers unfold At the dawning of light; What are those flowers At the…

Another year, another year,O! who shall see another year?Shalt thou, old man, of hoary head,Of eye-sight dim, and feeble tread?Expect it not. Time, pain and grief,Have made thee like an autumn leaf,Ready, by blast or self-decay,From its slight hold…

"There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." --- How beautiful, how beautiful, The land of promised calm, Where Sharon's roses ceaseless bloom, And Gilead's trees of balm; Where every tear is…

There were bright vision's in my dreams, Sights of my native land - How beautiful her bonny streams, Flowing o'er golden sand - How beautiful the flowers beside, Stooping to drink their silver tide. My old companions bounding came From bamboo…

There is one bright enchanting spot, Where love and beauty glow, Which oft the glorious grace of God, Hath made a heaven below; And in that covenant-sheltered spot There is a radient gem, More precious far than ocean pearls, Or empire's…

Thou art a harsh instructer - yet by thee We learn important lessons; thou dost teach How frail and fleeting earthly hopes may be How oft the goal recedes we strive to reach; Thine is a form of darkness, and we turn Heart-sick and weary from the…

Comes she not? The ship was wont to glide With bird-like speed athwart the ocean foam. Floats not her flag upon the distant tide? Gleam not her white sails through the gray mist's gloom? In hushed suspense, weeks heavily pass o'er; She comes not…
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