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One closing sultry summer day,I wandered forth the viewThe beauties of my native vale;The scenes seemed ever new.There danc'd the sunbeams on each hill,Here shade did intervene;While murm'ring sounds rose from each rill,As it cours'd through foliage…

"In all losses I would have a doubled prospect, I would consider what I have lost, and I would have regard to what I have left. It may be in my loss I may find a benefit; I may be rid with it of a trouble, a snare, or a danger." - Owen Feltham. What…

Thou, thou wert ever only dear In joy or sorrow, peace or danger! Then start not, love! - 'tis but a tear - Then start not at a trembling stranger! I weep not for the wealth we had, Or fashion's idle splendor fleeted; Oh! no - 'tis that thou…

Thou visitest the earth,And waterest it;Thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God,Which is full of water.Thou preparest them corn,When thou hast so provided for it.Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly;Thou settlest the furrows…

O, Saviour! whose mercy, severe in its kindness, Has chastened my wanderings, and guided my way, Adored be the power which illumined my blindness, And weaned me from phantoms that smiled to betray. Enchanted with all that was dazzling and…

Go forth with Nature - she hath many voices, Speaking deep lessons to the human heart, Where the blue streamlet in its course rejoices, And where amid the forest wild birds dart, Bearing in some sweet chorus each a part; Wind, wave, and blossom,…

There is the grasshopper, my summer friend, - The minute sound of many a sunny hour Passed on a thymy hill, when I could send My soul in search thereof by bank and bower, Till lured far from it by a foxglove flower, Nodding too dangerously above…

Beautiful evening! my bewildered brain And aching bosom, with fond orisons, bless The coming of thy shadows - faint with pain, And yearning for the hours of quietness That follow in the twilight. The fair morn Unfurls o'er eastern hills her…

Lament who will, in fruitless tears, The speed with which our moments fly: I sigh not over vanished years, But watch the year that hastens by. Look how they come! - a mingled crowd Of bright and dark, but rabid days; Beneath them, like a summer…

"Have children never heard nor read, How God abhors deceit and wrong! How Annanias was struck dead, Caught with a lie upon his tongue! So die his wife Sapphira die When she came in, and grew so bold, As to confirm the wicked lie, That, just…
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