Browse Items (251 total)

Delightful spot! sweet resting place, Where weary ones may lay their head; Where Beauty lifts her rosy face Around the tomb, and o'er the dead: - Proclaiming that the gentle thoughts Of love and friendship here may thrill: That reverent memory…

In Eden's green retreats, A water brook, that play'd Between soft, mossy seats Beneath a plane-tree's shade, Whose rustling leaves Danc'd o'er its brink - Was Adam's drink, And also Eve's. Beside the parent spring Of that young…

Dear R*****, time with rapid wings, Has swept another year away: Like all earth's transitory things, That wither and decay. Since last year's dawn of friendship's chain, That binds man to his fellow man, How many links have broke in twain, And…

Oh, holy Father! just and true, Are all thy works, and words, and ways, And unto Thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise! As children of thy gracious care, We veil the eye - we bend the knee, With broken words of praise and…

Up! pilgrims and rover, Redouble thy haste! Nor rest thee till over Life's wearisome waste. Ere the wild forest ranger Thy footsteps betray, To trouble and danger - Oh, drink and away! Here lurks the dark savage By night and by day, To rob…

Father, while the day-light dies,Hear our grateful voices riseFor the blessings that we share,For thy kindness and thy care,For the joy that fills our breast,And the love that makes us blest, We thank thee, Father. For an earthly father's…

Another week's forever gone, With all the years beyond the flood, Yet we are spar'd, this sacred morn, To come, and praise, and learn of God. Parents, and youth, and children dear, In sabbath school we constant meet, Regardless of complexion…

Shipmates, come, our toils are o'er - Haste to join the gathering throng: Think of stormy seas no more, But unite in glorious song: Sing the praise of Him who died, That our souls might ever be Through his mercy sanctified, …

If ever life should seem To thee a tedious way, And gladness cease to beam Upon the clouded day: If like the weary dove, O'er shoreless ocean driven, Raise thou think eye above - There's rest for thee in Heaven! But O, if thornless…

While I stand in the land of my birth, I will stand in it upright and free; Or my body shall cover the earth, Ere I bow to oppression my knee! Here's a hand for a cause that is just - Here's a heart that's liberty's throne; But they both…
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