Browse Items (251 total)

Not to the mount where fire and smoke, Jehovah's face concealed, When loud to wandering man he spoke, To make his law revealed - Not to the awful splendor there, Can turn my fearful eye! To hear its thunderings, and to dare Its lightnings,…

Comes she not? The ship was wont to glide With bird-like speed athwart the ocean foam. Floats not her flag upon the distant tide? Gleam not her white sails through the gray mist's gloom? In hushed suspense, weeks heavily pass o'er; She comes not…

In vain the troubled spirit hears the voiceOf justice, holiness, and power divine:Call forth the joyous sound upon the ear,A winter sun-beam on an icy heart.There needs some better word, some summer beamTo touch the soul and melt it into peace.But…

Away from home my love, my wife! How slow the lingering moments roll! Nature with every charm is rife, And Autumn casts her solemn stole O'er glem and mountain, wood and plain. But home has charms of stronger spell, And voices which I feel…

At length life's stormy voyage well nigh is done, These waves shall toss my fragile bark no more. But ah! - there waits the Judge, the unerring One, Who shall each work, and word, and thought explore! And is it so? - The fantasy is o'er That…

Mild arch of promise, in the evening sky, Thou shinest fair with many a lovely ray, Each in the other melting. Much mine eye Delights to linger on thee; for the day, Changeful and many-weathered, seemed to smile, Flashing brief splendor thro' the…

Child of the everlasting God! Heir of a kingly throne! Rough was the path thy Saviour trod, And rough must be thine own, Yet hath the "Hope of Israel" said, "Where'er that path may lead, I thy salvation and thy head, Will help thee in thy…

I've listened to the cold farewell, The careless, short good bye, When not a tear of sadness fell, Or tributary sigh. I've felt the pressure of the hand At parting, 'gainst mine own, - The serving of a happy band That long on love had…

The sun is gone; and clouds of gold,As banners on the breeze unrolled,Crowned with imperial purple, rise;And light, as calm as India's skies,Gilds nature; aye, a holier ray,Purer and kindlier than day - As if a gleam from Heaven, Bursting the…

Death triumphs and there's no defence,The spirit leaves its clay, and journeys henceTo blissful immortality so sweet.Here friends and kindred spirits meet,'Tis human nature that compels a tear,To part with one we love so dear.We mourn not without…
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