Browse Items (251 total)

Father of all, this Sabbath night My soul, I'll lift to thee, - I pray that thou wilt guide me right, 'Till I am call'd to eternity. Forbid, O Father! that I should stray From thy most just command - Lord sin abounds here every day, Altho' at…

Comes she not? The ship was wont to glide With bird-like speed athwart the ocean foam. Floats not her flag upon the distant tide? Gleam not her white sails through the gray mist's gloom? In hushed suspense, weeks heavily pass o'er; She comes not…

"Dear beauteous death! the jewel of the just, Shining nowhere but in the dark, What mysteries do lie beyond thy dust, Could we outlook that mark!"

It is unnatural, we learn by sight, For things to sorrow long. Philosophy, Whose ken is clear, does prove us this. Still night, Which sits, so frequent weeping that the eye Of twilight should neglect her, - scorns to sigh, So soon as wooers…

I'll ask one simple question - There stands a man created by the GodThat form'd the arch of heaven - that made the sea -The teeming earth, and every living thing,And when his word was done, pronounced it good. God is a righteous God! That man…

The moon is risen on the hill; The stars in glorious beauty shine; The hosts of heaven and earth are still, As silenced by a power divine; Nor more the western skies display The ruby tints of parting day. It is a calmly sacred hour, When half…

While yet the evening bell with dulcet tongueIn solemn peals upon the breeze is flung,Which sound like holy guardians of the airThat breathes around the house of praise and prayer;Affrightening by their overwhelming strainFar from the hallowed dome…

Father, guide me! Day declines,Hollow winds are in the pines;Darkly waves each giant boughO'er the sky's last crimson glow;Hush'd is now the convent's bell,Which erewhile with breezy swell,From the purple mountains boreGreeting to the…

O, how inestimably dear, The sweet possession of a friend! What can we find of all that are, From which such bliss, such joys descend! Riches may purchase for awhile The sycophant's fallacious grace - But when Fortune has ceased to smile, When…

Thou, thou wert ever only dear In joy or sorrow, peace or danger! Then start not, love! - 'tis but a tear - Then start not at a trembling stranger! I weep not for the wealth we had, Or fashion's idle splendor fleeted; Oh! no - 'tis that thou…
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