Browse Items (251 total)

Up! pilgrims and rover, Redouble thy haste! Nor rest thee till over Life's wearisome waste. Ere the wild forest ranger Thy footsteps betray, To trouble and danger - Oh, drink and away! Here lurks the dark savage By night and by day, To rob…

Get up, little sister; the morning is bright,And the birds are all singing to welcome the light;The buds are all opening - the dew's on the flower;If you shake but a branch, see there falls quite a shower.By the side of their mothers, look, under the…

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad or them; And the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, And rejoice even with joy and singing; The glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it. The excellency of…

Great God! we thank thee for this day, And all its mercies given; O may the blessings we've received, Direct our souls to heaven. O Lord! watch o'er us through this night, Be thou our Gardian near, And keep us safe till morning light, Without…

There is one mind, one omnipresent mind,Omnific. His most holy name is Love.Truth of sublime import! with the whichWho feeds and saturates his constant soul,He from his small particular orbit fliesWith bless'd outstarting! From Himself he…

Fading, still fading, is written on all; Over life's pathway still lingers the pall. Joy for the youthful Fill high the brim - Ere it be tasted Pale death enters in. Bright flowers unfold At the dawning of light; What are those flowers At the…

I knew a widow, very poor, Who four small children had; The oldest was but six years old - A gentle modest lad. And very hard that widow toiled, To feed her children four: And honest pride the woman felt, Though she was very poor. To labor,…

How beautiful it stands Behind its elm-tree screen, With pure and Attic cornice crowned, All graceful and serene. Most sweet, yet sad, it is, Upon you scene to gaze, And list its inborn melody, The voice of other days. For there, as many a…

Farewell to thee, sweet summer, Thou art almost past away, And wither'd are the roses, So lately fresh and gay; Of if in sunny bowers Some few may yet be found, They too soon will be faded, And scattered o'er the ground. Farewell to thee,…

When on a fragrant scandal tree The woodman's axe descends, And she, who bloomed so beauteously, Beneath the weapon bends. E'en on the edge that wrought her death,Dying she breathes her sweetest breath,As if to token in her fallPeace to her…
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