Browse Items (251 total)

Why grieve ye that the Christian dies, When Heaven from earth hath called its own - And the blest spirit upward flies To bow before the Father's throne? Or deem ye that 'tis grief to be Amid the Seraphim above, Robed in their immortality, And…

Not always actions show the man, we find,
Who does a kindness is not therefore kind:
Perhaps prosperity becalmed his breast,
Perhaps the wind just shifted from the east:
Nor therefore humble, he who seeks retreat;
Pride guides his steps, and…

I. Sweet slumbering babe! that breath'st so soft and low, Encircled in thy mother's shielding arm; Thy life's mild current, just begun to flow, Is not more strangely new, or purely warm, Than those parental sympathies, now stirred In nature's…

Ho, every one that thirsteth: See ye where the waters flow, Gleaming, gleaming, O how brightly! In the blessed sunshine's glow? Not a ripple swells their surface, Not a stain dark earth hath given, Not an image meets their pureness, Save the…

Fading, still fading, is written on all; Over life's pathway still lingers the pall. Joy for the youthful Fill high the brim - Ere it be tasted Pale death enters in. Bright flowers unfold At the dawning of light; What are those flowers At the…

How beautiful, in morning's hour, The blade of emerald green, Whereupon the drops of pearly dew In silver radiance gleam! It seems as if it shadowed forth The Christian's holy love: For though of earth, it ever looks Unto the sky above. But…

Eternal power! whose high abodeBecomes the grandeur of a God,Infinite lengths beyond the bounds,Where stars revolve their little rounds.The lowest step above thy feet,Rises too high for Gabriel's seat,In vain the tallest angel triesTo reach the…

Here Jubal paused; for grim before him lay,Crouched like a lion watching for his prey,With blood-red eye of fascinating fire,Fix'd like the gazing serpent's, on the lyre,An awful form, that through the gloom appear'd,Half-brute, half-human; whose…

The God of harvest praise; In loud thanksgivings, raise Hand, heart, and voice; The valleys laugh and sing, Forests and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rejoice. Of food for man and beast, Jehovah spreads a…
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