Browse Items (251 total)

Saviour, now the day is o'er,On a child thy blessing pour;Wash me in thy dying blood,Pardon my sin and make me good.Let my head lean on thy breast,While in sleep I sweetly rest;On me keep thy watchful eye,Lest I suffer, faint or die:Wake me in the…

Savior hear a little childOffer thee a morning prayer:Change my heart and make it mild,That all may see thy image there.Didst thou hear my evening prayer,And let me sleep upon thy breast?Was my health and life thy care.That in sleep I sweet did…

'Gentlest of spirits! - not for thee Our tears are shed, our sighs are given: Why mourn to know thou art a free Partaker of the joys of heaven? Finished thy work, and kept thy faith In Christian firmness unto death: And beautiful as sky and…

ALAS! I am an Orphan Boy, With nought on earth to cheer my heart; No father's love, no mother's joy, No kin nor kind to take my part. My lodging is the cold, cold ground, I eat the bread of charity; And when the kiss of loves goes round, There…

"Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." - Text of an eloquent…

Wake! children of the men who said,"All are born free!" Their spirits comeBack to the places where they bledIn Freedom's holy martyrdom,And find you sleeping on their graves,And hugging there your chains, - ye slaves!Ay - slaves of slaves! What,…

Slowly, with measured tread, Onward we bear the dead To his long home. Short grows the homeward road, On with your mortal load. Oh, grave! we come. Yet, yet - ah! hasten not Past each remembered spot Where he hath been; Where late he walked in…

HIGH amid the mountain ridges I have clim'b, and stand alone, Where the mist the torrent bridges In a world of stream and stone. Dark ravines, and summits boary, Downward steeps that scare the view, Blocks whose sculpture hides a story Human…

On! to the battle, on! Let none to linger dare; Who'd taste the joys of victory soon Must in the conflict share. On! to the battle, on! The ranks for all are free; Man in his morn, his eve, his noon, And woman, there should be. On! to the…

Set the sail and trim the boat, Softly blow the breezes; Let the light bark onward float, Where the zephyr pleases. Though the mountain's ponderous brow, Casts its shadow o'er us; Yet the valley's sunny glow, Is beaming bright before us. See,…
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