Browse Items (251 total)

We entered noiselessly, - our spirits quelled,Our passions hushed to quietude: there stoleO'er us a kind of awe, a solemn, deep,And softening emotion; o'er our soulsThe tide unbidden swept; 't was sweet, and yetIt saddened with a sadness which it…

A hymn more, O my lyre! Praise to the God above. Of joy, and life, and love, Sweeping its strings of fire! Oh! who the speed of bird and wind, And sunbeam's glance will lend to me, That soaring upward, I may find My resting-place and home in…

Token of friendship true and tried, From one whose fiery heart of youth With mine has beaten side by side, For Liberty and Truth: With honest pride the gift I take And prize it for the giver's sake. But not alone because it tells Of generous…

A farmer's life is the life for me, I own I love it dearly; And every season, full of glee, I take its labors cheerly - To plough or sow, To reap or mow, Or in the barn to thrash, sir, All's one to me, I plainly see 'Twill bring me…

Oh, holy Father! just and true, Are all thy works, and words, and ways, And unto Thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise! As children of thy gracious care, We veil the eye - we bend the knee, With broken words of praise and…

Death triumphs and there's no defence,The spirit leaves its clay, and journeys henceTo blissful immortality so sweet.Here friends and kindred spirits meet,'Tis human nature that compels a tear,To part with one we love so dear.We mourn not without…

Now autumn moves with chilling breath, And all her winds prevail, And you sweet flower whose hue is death Stands trembling in the gale; Leaf after leaf all withered shed, And scattered on the ground, And how the flower, the stem is dead Nor…

O people beloved, Wide scattered of old, Come back to the vineyard, Come back to the fold. Build up the waste places The altars of prayer, In the land of your fathers, For thy Bethel is there. From the south, oh ye chosen, From the east and…

Farewell, holy man, gone home to thy rest, - While o'er thee each friend of humanity weeps; And the children of grief thy philanthropy blest, Bend in silence around where the peace-maker sleeps. No more can the lonely and desolate heart Be…

Searcher of gold, whose days and nights All waste away in anxious care, Estranged from all of life's delights, Unlearned in all that is most fair - Who sailest not with easy glide, But delvest in the depths of tide, And strugglest in the foam…
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