Browse Items (251 total)

Not always actions show the man, we find,
Who does a kindness is not therefore kind:
Perhaps prosperity becalmed his breast,
Perhaps the wind just shifted from the east:
Nor therefore humble, he who seeks retreat;
Pride guides his steps, and…

"Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." - Text of an eloquent…

Beauteous on our heath-clad mountains, May our Herald's feet appear; Sweet by silver lakes and fountains, May his voice be to our ear. Let the tenants of our rocks, Shepherds watching o'er their flocks, Village swain and peasant boy, Thee…

Why grieve ye that the Christian dies, When Heaven from earth hath called its own - And the blest spirit upward flies To bow before the Father's throne? Or deem ye that 'tis grief to be Amid the Seraphim above, Robed in their immortality, And…

O, Saviour! whose mercy, severe in its kindness, Has chastened my wanderings, and guided my way, Adored be the power which illumined my blindness, And weaned me from phantoms that smiled to betray. Enchanted with all that was dazzling and…

COLUMBIA'S Eagle claps her wings, Our banner proudly waves; Still southern breezes onward bear, The shrieks of fettered slaves. The stripes, the chains of Afric's sons Have writ a fearful doom; Hark! even now they chant the dirge, O'er buried…

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." ------ "COME unto me, ye who are heavy laden," Come unto me ye who are sore opprest; The white haired sire, the young and tender maiden - "Come unto me and I will…

Come, Brother, turn with me from pining thoughtAnd all the inward ills that sin has wrought;Come, send abroad a love for all who live,And feel the deep content in turn they give.Kind wishes and good deeds, — they make not poor;They'll home again,…

Dear R*****, time with rapid wings, Has swept another year away: Like all earth's transitory things, That wither and decay. Since last year's dawn of friendship's chain, That binds man to his fellow man, How many links have broke in twain, And…

Horror of nature, hell and death!When a deep groan from beneathShall cry, "We come! we come!" and allThe caves of night answer one call.Oh that book! whose leaves so brightWill set the world in severe light:Oh that Judge! whose hand, whose eyeNone…
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